How We Serve
United Methodists continue to heed the lessons John Wesley taught his followers: to live lovingly and justly as servants of Christ by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, caring for the stranger, freeing the oppressed, being a compassionate presence, and working to develop social structures that are consistent with the gospel. Below is a list of our ministries here at Fountain Avenue:
Morning Prayers — Morning prayers are held each weekday morning,at 8:30 a.m. in the Prayer Room on the sanctuary level. The simple service includes set prayers, music, and open intercessory prayer, usually concluding before 9 a.m.
Sunday School — Fountain Avenue has a long record of strong Sunday Schools, at times with more Sunday School membership than Church membership. These days Fountain Avenue has three adult Sunday School classes:
1. Friendship Class — lecture format using International Lesson
2. Fellowship Class — interactive style format using International Lesson
3. Middlers Class — conversational style using the Bible as the primary source
Children and youth classes include:
• A nursery for children up to kindergarten age
• An elementary class for students through 2nd grade
• An upper elementary class for students through the 5th grade
• A youth class for 6th grade through high school

Worship — Worship at Fountain Avenue is the central act of shared devotion and faithfulness for members and visitors alike. Worship uses a blend of traditional and contemporary styles and music. Worship includes lively sharing, timely readings, special music, powerful hymns, thoughtful responses, and Biblical preaching. Sunday morning worship offers Holy Communion each first Sunday of the month and at other times during the year, beginning at 10:45 a.m. and usually concluding by noon.
Special Seasonal and Holiday Programs — Seasonal programs include:
• Live Nativity in the Park
• Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion, 11 p.m.
• Lenten Studies
• Christmas and Easter Cantatas
• Prayer Retreats
• Musical Concerts
• Guest Lectures
• Bible Reading Marathon
• Ice Cream Social
• Cookouts
• Fish Fry
• Quilters Meal and Hospitality
Wednesday Night Programs — On Wednesday nights during the school year, a meal is prepared and served for $5, adults, $1 youth. Timely programs for children, youth, and adults follow the meal.
Youth Program — Each Wednesday evening following the meal during the program, the youth group meets in the youth room on the 3rd floor under the leadership of Ms. Debbie Beeny. Visitors are always welcomed. Programs are interactive and experiential — strong group identity is valued.
Choir — Choir practice normally lasts from 6:30 p.m., just after the Wednesday evening meal program, until 7:30 p.m. The SATB choir offers two or three special musical pieces in most worship services. Musical selections are varied and international. No tryouts are necessary; all are welcome to make a joyful noise!
United Methodist Women — The United Methodist Women are a strong mission arm of the United Methodist Church. The Fountain Avenue United Methodist Women meet monthly in the full group the first Monday; smaller groups called Circles, meet at least one other time each month. The United Methodist Women programs include local missions, international missions, study programs, work missions, and national programs of interest.
United Methodist Men — Each second Saturday of the month, the United Methodist Men gather at the church at 8 a.m. for breakfast and a work project. Work projects have included school desks for mission settings, clean-up and fix-up of church members yards/homes, church repairs, removing radiators material from church, and cooking meals for church and the Murray State University Wesley Foundation. All men associated with the church are welcome to attend.
More Mature Members (MMM) — Monthly trips and game days are planned for retired members of the church with special emphasis on fun and fellowship. Betty Ormes organizes this group.
Neighborhood Street Fair — Our Neighborhood Street Fair is the third Saturday in May from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lang Park and adjacent streets are reserved for all the festivities sponsored by our church and the city. Party games, crafts, music, food, folk dance, and all sorts of fun combine to make the day special and memorable.
Free Neighborhood Meals — Eight times a year, the church prepares and serves a free breakfast to our neighbors. The simple breakfast lasts from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. All are welcome to eat, to visit, or to help us serve!